Visual Journaling Techiques
Three simple ways to get background, detail and layers that are quick and easy
This free introductory mini-course shares three, short, process videos demonstrating simple materials and techniques to use in intuitive, visual journaling. The first is with fluid craft acrylic paints and sponges. The second uses oil or wax based drawing media to draw in details. The final one utilizes water soluble drawing media that allows you to quickly fill in areas and add layers of color.
This mini-course is a great introduction to simple techniques that you can then use in the Drawing from the Unconscious course to explore your inner wisdom. So enjoy the process and have fun experimenting.
Remember, this is NOT about being an artist (even though artists can get a lot out of it too!). It is about using the right side of your brain to access deeper intuition and guidance through color, shape, line and personal symbols.
Your Instructor

I have been in the arts my entire life and I have used visual journaling for over 15 years as a rich source of healing and guidance. I feel so impressed by its ability to discover areas of new growth and healing where other processes could not seem to go. I have also spent the last decade training and working in the healing arts focusing on creative expression and conscious awakening. I have a MA in Counseling from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM, with a specialization in Art Therapy, and a degree in Somatic Polarity from New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts. I also have additional training in trauma therapies including basic EMDR and advanced certification in Brainspotting™. Creative Inquiry weaves this all together into a comprehensive way to access your own inner wisdom.
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
No, this is about personal, creative expression rather than about making a pretty picture. Drawing and painting use the right side of the brain and access intuitive wisdom whether or not we think what we make is artistic. It's about having fun and not censoring our inner voice.
This is a great way to get you started in experimenting and playing around with Visual Journaling techniques. Then you can use these processes to explore the wisdom of your soul in the Drawing from the Unconscious, in-depth course. See you there!